Social Medium no longer available for pre-order - Change of release plan

Today, Charmed: Social Medium started slowly disappearing from the sites it was available for pre-order starting with iTunes, Amazon and Kobo and then Google and B&N.


Here's what Pat Shand tweeted:

  • I don't know for sure, but I am currently in conversations about this. Can't say anything, though. I think you'll all prefer the outcome. X
  • I wouldn't be TOO excited because, like I said, I don't know much except that there DEFINITELY is forward movement on both books. X
  • So basically I don't know when, I kinda maybe a little know HOW (probably?), but I do know they WILL be out. X
  • Hah trust me, friend, no one wants these books released as much as I do! I'm excited. It'll happen. X
  • However they appear, I am excited for the stories to get out there so you can get to know Amelia Desmots and Ruby Blackwood. X